Drama focuses on creative expression and skill building. Through independent and collaborative activities, students learn to use their voices effectively to convey emotion and meaning, gain confidence, become comfortable taking healthy risks, and build empathy.
In the early grades, dramatic art is integrated into classroom life. Activities include improvisation, skits, puppet play, and adaptations of stories, myths, and fairytales. Starting in the fifth grade, students have weekly drama classes. Students become comfortable on-stage, learn the art of improvisation, practice physical comedy, study character development, ensemble work, and acting basics. Students' work culminates in a final performance tailored to express the interests of each particular group of students.
Two full-scale productions are staged in the fall and the spring for the larger community, and students participate in all aspects of stagecraft, including set-building, costume design and construction, stage management, and writing their own productions. Past adapted productions have included Newsies and Annie Jr.